Gromit Yeuk-Yin Chan

Research Scientist

San Jose

Gromit joins Adobe Research as a Research Scientist in 2021. He is broadly interested in providing technologies that help users understand and interact with large scale data. The solutions he developed usually originate from fields such as visualization, data management, machine learning, and human computer interaction. Gromit received his Ph.D. from NYU and B.Eng + B.B.A from HKUST. During his Ph.D., he was fortunate to be advised by Claudio Silva and Juliana Freire.

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Fast Natural Language Based Data Exploration with Samples

Agarwal, S., Chan, G., Garg, S., Yu, T., Mitra, S. (Jun. 18, 2023)

International Conference on Management of Data (SIGMOD)

Interactive Audience Expansion On Large Scale Online Visitor Data

Chan, G., Mai, T., Rao, A., Rossi, R., Du, F., Silva, C., Freire, J. (Aug. 14, 2021)

ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge Discovery & Data Mining

Real-Time Clustering for Large Sparse Online Visitor Data

Chan, G., Du, F., Rossi, R., Rao, A., Koh, E., Silva, C., Freire, J. (Jan. 20, 2020)

Proceedings of The Web Conference (WWW)