Imagine. Explore. Invent.

Former Adobe Intern earns SIGGRAPH award for dissertation

Zachary Ferguson, a two-time Adobe Research intern, won the ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award for his work on simulating real-world physics! In this interview, we discussed his PhD research, what it was like to intern at Adobe, and more!

Aaron Hertzmann has a new theory of perception that breaks the rule

Aaron Hertzmann, Principal Scientist at Adobe Research, has been awarded the Computer Graphics Achievement award by ACM SIGGRAPH, one of the highest honors in the field! Learn about his new theory of perception, and his work at the intersection of art and computer graphics.

Four Trends at CVPR 2024

Discover the cutting-edge trends in computer vision at CVPR 2024 with a report by Kushal Kafle, Sr. Research Scientist at Adobe Research. Explore the rapid development of large foundation models, multimodality, the pivotal role of data curation and more!

Adobe Research intern's work featured on the SUMMIT stage

PhD student Tongyu Zhou's internship at Adobe Research led her to the Adobe SUMMIT 2024 stage, presenting an innovative tool that leverages Adobe's Firefly generative AI to help users easily create beautiful infographics!

Adobe and MIT researchers are making AI image generation 30x faster

Researchers from Adobe and MIT have developed a new AI model that generates images 30 times faster. This advancement not only has the potential to speed up the entire AI generation pipeline but also reduces costs and energy consumption.

Adobe Research at CVPR 2024

Adobe Research is proud to be one of the sponsors of CVPR 2024. Check out the new work in Computer Vision that our researchers presented at this year's conference!

Former Adobe Intern earns SIGGRAPH award for dissertation

Zachary Ferguson, a two-time Adobe Research intern, won the ACM SIGGRAPH Outstanding Doctoral Dissertation Award for his work on simulating real-world physics! In this interview, we discussed his PhD research, what it was like to intern at Adobe, and more!

Aaron Hertzmann has a new theory of perception that breaks the rule

Aaron Hertzmann, Principal Scientist at Adobe Research, has been awarded the Computer Graphics Achievement award by ACM SIGGRAPH, one of the highest honors in the field! Learn about his new theory of perception, and his work at the intersection of art and computer graphics.

Four Trends at CVPR 2024

Discover the cutting-edge trends in computer vision at CVPR 2024 with a report by Kushal Kafle, Sr. Research Scientist at Adobe Research. Explore the rapid development of large foundation models, multimodality, the pivotal role of data curation and more!

Adobe Research intern's work featured on the SUMMIT stage

PhD student Tongyu Zhou's internship at Adobe Research led her to the Adobe SUMMIT 2024 stage, presenting an innovative tool that leverages Adobe's Firefly generative AI to help users easily create beautiful infographics!

Adobe and MIT researchers are making AI image generation 30x faster

Researchers from Adobe and MIT have developed a new AI model that generates images 30 times faster. This advancement not only has the potential to speed up the entire AI generation pipeline but also reduces costs and energy consumption.

Adobe Research at CVPR 2024

Adobe Research is proud to be one of the sponsors of CVPR 2024. Check out the new work in Computer Vision that our researchers presented at this year's conference!


Adobe Research

An ideal balance of academic discovery and industry impact: that’s what drives our groundbreaking work at Adobe Research. Our collaborative projects advance the state of the art across a range of 12 research areas. Many of Adobe Research’s early-stage technologies become important elements of Adobe’s products, used by millions across the globe.

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Curious. Creative. Committed. Adobe Research’s world-class research scientists, engineers, artists, and designers shape experimental ideas into innovative technologies. Our quest for new ways to improve our world through digital tools drives the discoveries we share with the research community and the under-the-hood tech we create for Adobe’s products.

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