Kanak Mahadik

Research Scientist

San Jose

Kanak is a distributed systems research scientist at Adobe Research in San Jose.

Her research is broadly related to scalable distributed systems, parallel algorithms, and high-performance computing. Her interests lie specifically in developing techniques and systems to build scalable and performant applications and algorithms for large datasets.

She earned her PhD in Computer Engineering from Purdue University, West Lafayette in August 2017.

More details can be found on her personal webpage here


ReCON: Training-Free Acceleration for Text-to-Image Synthesis with Retrieval of Concept Prompt Trajectories

Lu, C., Agarwal, S., Tanjim, M., Mahadik, K., Rao, A., Mitra, S., Saini, S., Bagchi, S., Chaterji, S. (Sep. 29, 2024)

European Conference on Computer Vision (ECCV)

Correlated Stochastic Knapsack with a Submodular Objective

Yang, S., Khuller, S., Choudhary, S., Mitra, S., Mahadik, K. (Sep. 1, 2022)

30th Annual European Symposium on Algorithms (ESA)

Scheduling ML Training on Unreliable Spot Instances

Yang, S., Khuller, S., Choudhary, S., Mitra, S., Mahadik, K. (Feb. 7, 2022)

Proceedings of the 14th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing Companion (UCC)

Linear Quadratic Regulator for Resource-Efficient Cloud Services

Park, Y., Mahadik, K., Rossi, R., Wu, G., Zhao, H. (Nov. 21, 2019)

ACM Symposium on Cloud Computing

Scalable Genomic Assembly through Parallel de Bruijn Graph Construction for Multiple K-mers

Mahadik, K., Wright, C., Kulkarni, M., Bagchi, S., Chaterji, S. (Oct. 16, 2019)

Scientific Reports, Nature Research

Performance Extraction and Suitability Analysis of Multi- and Many-core Architectures for Next Generation Sequencing Secondary Analysis

Misra, S., Pan, T., Mahadik, K., Powley, G., Vaidya, P., Vasimuddin, M., Aluru, S. (Nov. 1, 2018)

International Conference on Parallel Architectures and Compilation Techniques

Scalable Genomic Assembly through Parallel de Bruijn Graph Construction for Multiple K-mers

Mahadik, K., Wright, C., Kulkarni, M., Bagchi, S., Chaterji, S. (Aug. 21, 2017)

International Conference on Bioinformatics, Computational Biology, and Health Informatics (BCB)

SARVAVID: A Domain Specific Language for Developing Scalable Computational Genomics Applications

Mahadik, K., Wright, C., Zhang, J., Kulkarni, M., Bagchi, S., Chaterji, S. (Jun. 3, 2016)

International Conference on Supercomputing (ICS)

Orion: Scaling Genomic Sequence Matching with Fine-Grained Parallelization

Mahadik, K., Chaterji, S., Zhou, B., Kulkarni, M., Bagchi, S. (Nov. 14, 2014)

International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (Supercomputing)

Flexible Resource Allocation for Reliable Virtual Cluster Computing Systems

Hacker, T., Mahadik, K. (Jan. 14, 2011)

International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (Supercomputing)
