Yuqian Zhou

Research Scientist/Engineer


Yuqian joined Adobe in 2022. He is now a research engineer and scientist at Adobe Research. He received his Ph.D. from UIUC and was advised by Prof. Mark Hasegawa-Johnson. Before that, he was supervised by Prof. Thomas Huang(1936-2020). He received his Bachelor and Mphil. degree from the Hong Kong University of Science and Technology(HKUST), working at Neuromorphic Interactive System Lab (NISL) supervised by Prof. Bertram Shi.

His research interests lie in computer vision, deep learning, image editing, human-computer interaction and multidisciplinary vision research. Specifically, he is actively conducting low-level vision research like image denoising, enhancement and image inpainting. He is engaging in applying image/data restoration and recognition theory to multiple research areas including optics and display, art and history, neuroscience, psychology and affect, medicine and health, even financial trading.

For more information about him, please visit his personal website.


Brush2Prompt: Contextual Prompt Generator for Object Inpainting

Chiu, M., Zhou, Y., Zhang, L., Lin, Z., Barnes, C., Amirghodsi, S., Shechtman, E., Shi, H. (Jun. 17, 2024)

CVPR 2024

Automatic High Resolution Wire Segmentation and Removal

Chiu, M., Zhang, X., Wei, Z., Zhou, Y., Shechtman, E., Barnes, C., Lin, Z., Kainz, F., Amirghodsi, S., Shi, H. (Apr. 1, 2023)

CVPR 2023

Image as Set of Points

Ma, X., Zhou, Y., Wang, H., Qin, C., Sun, B., Liu, C., Fu, Y. (Mar. 2, 2023)

ICLR 2023