
Interactive Guidance Techniques for Improving Creative Feedback

Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors and Computing Systems (SIGCHI)

Publication date: April 16, 2018

Tricia J. Ngoon, C. Ailie Fraser, Ariel S. Weingarten, Mira Dontcheva, Scott Klemmer

Honorable Mention

Good feedback is critical to creativity and learning, yet rare. Many people do not know how to actually provide effective feedback. There is increasing demand for quality feedback -- and thus feedback givers -- in learning and professional settings. This paper contributes empirical evidence that two interactive techniques -- reusable suggestions and adaptive guidance -- can improve feedback on creative work. We present these techniques embodied in the CritiqueKit system to help reviewers give specific, actionable, and justified feedback. Two real-world deployment studies and two controlled experiments with CritiqueKit found that adaptively-presented suggestions improve the quality of feedback from novice reviewers. Reviewers also reported that suggestions and guidance helped them describe their thoughts and reminded them to provide effective feedback.

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Research Area:  Adobe Research iconHuman Computer Interaction