
Publication date: March 1, 1998

On-the-Fly Texture Computation for Real-Time Surface Shading

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , March/April 1998, pp.44-58

Gavin Miller, M. Halstead, M. Clifton

Publication date: January 31, 1998

A Discussion of the Relationship Between RDF-Schema and UML

RDF-Schema Working Group W3C Technical Note. World Wide Web Consortium. 1998

Walter Chang

Publication date: November 4, 1997

The Earth Mover’s Distance: Lower Bounds and Invariance under Translation

Technical Report STAN-CS-TR-97-1597. ( pdf )

Scott Cohen, L. Guibas

Publication date: August 2, 1997

Fake fur rendering

In Proc. SIGGRAPH , 127–134, 1997.

Dan Goldman

Publication date: April 22, 1997

Systems of Bilinear Equations

Technical Report STAN-CS-TR-97-1588 . ( pdf )

Scott Cohen, C. Tomasi

Publication date: February 9, 1997

Real-time nonphotorealistic rendering

In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH 97 , 415–420

L. Markosian, M. Kowalski, S. Trychin, L. Bourdev, D. Goldstein, J. Hughes

Publication date: February 1, 1997

Progressive Simplicial Complexes

In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH , 217-224

Jovan Popović, H. Hoppe

Publication date: January 3, 1997

Visual models of plant development

Handbook of formal languages, vol. 3: beyond words, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc, 535–597, 1997

P. Prusinkiewicz, M. Hammel, J. Hanan, Radomír Měch

Publication date: January 1, 1997

Partial Matching of Planar Polylines Under Similarity Transformations

Proceedings of the Eighth Annual ACM-SIAM Symposium on Discrete Algorithms , 777-786

Scott Cohen, L. Guibas

Publication date: January 1, 1997

Clustering for glossy global illumination

ACM Transactions on Graphics

Per H Christensen, Dani Lischinski, Eric Stollnitz, David H Salesin, Eric Stollnitz
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: August 15, 1996

Wavelets for computer graphics: theory and applications

Morgan Kaufmann

Eric Stollnitz, Tony D DeRose, David H Salesin
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: August 5, 1996

Visual models of plants interacting with their environment

In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '96 , 397–410, 1996

Radomír Měch, P. Prusinkiewicz

Publication date: August 1, 1996

Reproducing color images as duotones


Joanna L Power, Brad S West, Eric Stollnitz, David H Salesin
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: July 1, 1996

Global illumination of glossy environments using wavelets and importance

ACM Transactions on Graphics

Per H Christensen, Eric Stollnitz, David H Salesin, Tony D DeRose
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: March 31, 1996

MultiBlock Grid Generation for Structured Grids

5th International Conference on Numerical Grid Generation for Computational Fluid Simulation , April, 1996

S. Mukherjee, M. Apte, A. Isaacs, Sunil Hadap, D. Shevare

Publication date: February 1, 1996

Interactive Multiresolution Surface Viewing

In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH , 91-98

A. Certain, Jovan Popović, T. DeRose, T. Duchamp, David Salesin, W. Stuetzle

Publication date: January 31, 1996

CVODE, a Stiff/Nonstiff ODE Solver in C

Computers in Physics , 10(2):138-143

Scott Cohen, A. Hindmarsh

Publication date: July 1, 1995

Wavelets for computer graphics: a primer, part 2

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

Eric Stollnitz, Tony D DeRose, David H Salesin, Stollnitz
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: July 1, 1995

Wavelet radiance

In: Sakas G., Müller S., Shirley P. (eds) Photorealistic Rendering Techniques. Focus on Computer Graphics (Tutorials and Perspectives in Computer Graphics). Springer, Berlin, Heidelberg

Per Christensen, Eric Stollnitz, David Salesin, Tony DeRose
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)
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