
Publication date: May 1, 1995

Wavelets for computer graphics: a primer, part 1

IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications

Eric Stollnitz, Tony D DeRose, David H Salesin, Stollnitz
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: February 1, 1995

Volumetric Hyper Reality, A Computer Graphics Holy Grail for the Twenty-First Century?

Invited Paper, Graphics Interface '95

Gavin Miller

Publication date: January 1, 1995

Multithresholding for document image segmentation [2422-16]


Shriram Revankar

Publication date: December 30, 1994

Derivative-based optical flow estimation: controlled comparison of first- and second-order methods

MVA '94: IAPR Workshop on Machine Vision Applications , pp. 464--469, December 1994

Jonathan Brandt

Publication date: November 29, 1994

Finite-differencing errors in gradient-based optical flow estimation

IEEE International Conference on Image Processing , Vol. 2, pp. 775--779, Nov. 1994

Jonathan Brandt

Publication date: October 31, 1994

Analysis of bias in gradient-based optical-flow estimation

IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers , pp. 721--725, October 1994

Jonathan Brandt

Publication date: August 31, 1994

CVODE User Guide

Technical Report UCRL-MA-118618, LLNL

Scott Cohen, A. Hindmarsh

Publication date: February 15, 1994

Synthetic topiary

In Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '94 , 351–358, 1994

P. Prusinkiewicz, M. James, Radomír Měch

Publication date: February 1, 1994

Efficient Algorithms for Local and Global Accessibility Shading

Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '94

Gavin Miller

Publication date: February 1, 1994

Efficient Techniques for Interactive Texture Placement

Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '94

P. Litwinowicz, Gavin Miller

Publication date: December 1, 1993

The Tycoon System and Library Manual

DBIS Tycoon Report 212-93, Fachbereich Informatik, Universität Hamburg Hamburg, Germany

B. Mathiske, F. Matthes, S. Müßig

Publication date: June 15, 1993

Colors in rendering algorithms: quality enhancing methods in ray-tracing

Masters Thesis, The Charles University

Radomír Měch

Publication date: June 1, 1993

Constrained contouring in polar coordinates

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 1993. Proceedings CVPR'93., 1993 IEEE Computer Society Conference

Shriram Revankar, D. Sher

Publication date: June 1, 1993

Programming the Display PostScript System with X

Addison-Wesley, 1993

Paul Asente

Publication date: February 14, 1993

The skeleton metric: a tool for quantitative shape comparison

SPIE Imaging Science and Technology '93 , February 1993

Jonathan Brandt, V. Algazi

Publication date: February 1, 1993

Hierarchical Z-Buffer Visibility

Proceedings of SIGGRAPH '93

N. Greene, M. Kass, Gavin Miller

Publication date: January 1, 1993

Supervised interpretation of echocardiograms with a psychological model of expert supervision

IS&T/SPIE's Symposium on Electronic Imaging: Science and Technology

Shriram Revankar, D. Sher, V. Shalin, M. Ramamurthy

Publication date: November 29, 1992

Multi-scale isotropic morphology and shape approximation using the Voronoi diagram

SPIE Vision Geometry , November 1992

Jonathan Brandt

Publication date: July 21, 1992

The Virtual Museum: Interactive 3D Navigation of a Multimedia Database

The Journal of Visualization and Computer Animation , Vol. 3, Issue No. 3, July-Sept 1992

Gavin Miller, E. Hoffert, S. Chen, E. Patterson, D. Blacketter, S. Rubin, S. Applin, D. Yim, J. Hanan

Publication date: May 31, 1992

Continuous skeleton computation by Voronoi diagram

CVGIP: Image Understanding , 55(3):329-338, May 1992

Jonathan Brandt, V. Algazi
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