Mustafa Doga Dogan is a research scientist at Adobe, currently based in Basel, Switzerland. He received his Ph.D. and M.S. in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science from MIT, where he worked with Prof. Stefanie Mueller in the Computer Science & Artificial Intelligence Laboratory (CSAIL).

Doga’s research focuses on embedding information, intelligence, and interaction into everyday objects. During his Ph.D., he developed novel mechanisms to seamlessly identify, track, and interact with real-world objects for ubiquitous computing. He uses methods in computer vision, digital fabrication, and machine learning to create innovative applications in augmented reality (AR), creativity, and product design. He is interested in exploring how to leverage these mechanisms for digital product passports, towards the vision of ubiquitous metadata.

As a human-computer interaction (HCI) researcher, Doga’s more recent research also focuses on using generative AI (GenAI) to develop human-centered creativity support tools and experiences. His projects utilize GenAI to enhance creativity, support decision-making processes, and improve user interfaces. He is particularly interested in how these technologies can be used to create more intuitive, engaging, and meaningful interactions between users and digital content.

Doga is a past recipient of the Adobe Research Fellowship and Siebel Scholarship. His work has been nominated for best paper and demo awards at CHI, UIST, and ICRA. Outside of Adobe and MIT, Doga has worked at Google, UCLA, University of Tokyo, TU Delft, Bogazici University, and the Max Planck Institute for Intelligent Systems.

For more information, please visit his personal website,


MoiréWidgets: High-Precision, Passive Tangible Interfaces via Moiré Effect

Zamora, D., Dogan, D., Siu, A., Koh, E., Xiao, C. (May. 12, 2024)

ACM CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, CHI

StandARone: Infrared-Watermarked Documents as Portable Containers of AR Interaction and Personalization

Dogan, D., Siu, A., Healey, J., Wigington, C., Xiao, C., Sun, T. (Apr. 19, 2023)

Extended Abstracts of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems