Fujun Luan is a Research Scientist at Adobe Research. He received his Ph.D. from Cornell University in 2021, advised by Prof. Kavita Bala.

His research focus is on inverse graphics, differentiable rendering, and neural rendering. For more information, please visit his personal webpage.


RGB<->X: Image Decomposition and Synthesis Using Material- and Lighting-aware Diffusion Models

Zeng, Z., Deschaintre, V., Georgiev, I., Hold-Geoffroy, Y., Hu, Y., Luan, F., Yan, L., Hasan, M. (Jul. 25, 2024)


PSDR-Room: Single Photo to Scene using Differentiable Rendering

Yan, K., Luan, F., Hasan, M., Groueix, T., Deschaintre, V., Zhao, S. (Dec. 1, 2023)

Siggraph Asia 2023