Iliyan Georgiev

Senior Research Scientist


Iliyan works in physically based rendering, specifically on devising theoretical models and practical algorithms for efficiently and faithfully simulating complex visual appearance. His interests include forward & inverse light-transport simulation, volumetric scattering, appearance modeling, Monte Carlo methods, stochastic and deterministic sampling, image reconstruction, perception, ray tracing methods and systems. He is always looking to collaborate with bright and passionate students and their academic advisors openly and through research internships at Adobe.

Iliyan’s work has been incorporated into numerous commercial and open-source rendering tools. Prior to joining Adobe, he was leading the research efforts of the Arnold-renderer team at Autodesk. He was named key Arnold contributor in the 2021 Engineering Emmy Awards. He holds a PhD degree from Saarland University (Germany) for which he received the Eurographics PhD Thesis Award.

For more information and a complete list of his publications, please check his website.


N-BVH: Neural Ray Queries with Bounding Volume Hierarchies

Weier, P., Rath, A., Michel, �., Georgiev, I., Slusallek, P., Boubekeur, T. (Jul. 29, 2024)


RGB<->X: Image Decomposition and Synthesis Using Material- and Lighting-aware Diffusion Models

Zeng, Z., Deschaintre, V., Georgiev, I., Hold-Geoffroy, Y., Hu, Y., Luan, F., Yan, L., Hasan, M. (Jul. 25, 2024)


RMIP: Displacement ray tracing via inversion and oblong bounding

Thonat, T., Georgiev, I., Beaune, F., Boubekeur, T. (Dec. 12, 2023)

SIGGRAPH Asia 2023