Chun-Hao Paul Huang

Research Scientist


Chun-Hao joined Adobe in July 2022. His research focus is on 3D visual perception from 2D images, in particular 3D human body reconstruction, human-scene interaction, and marker-less motion capture. He’s also interested in general machine-learning or computer-vision challenge.

Prior to Adobe, Chun-Hao spent three wonderful years at Max Planck Institute as a postdoctoral researcher, working closely with Dr. Michael Black. He obtained his Ph.D. at TUM under the supervision of PD. Dr. Slobodan Ilic and worked with PD Dr. Federico Tombari and Prof. Dr. Nassir Navab. During the doctoral study, he also had the pleasure to collaborate with: Dr. Edmond Boyer in team Morpheo, INRIA; Thabo Beeler in Capture and Effects team, Disney Research Zürich; MIX team in Microsoft Research Redmond.

For more information, please check his personal site website1 and page of the former group website2.


Synergistic Global-space Camera and Human Reconstruction from Videos

Zhao, Y., Wang, T., Raj, B., Xu, M., Yang, J., Huang, C. (Jun. 17, 2024)

CVPR 2024

Generative Rendering: Controllable 4D-Guided Video Generation with 2D Diffusion Models

Cai, S., Ceylan, D., Gadelha, M., Huang, C., Wang, T., Wetzstein, G. (Jun. 17, 2024)

CVPR 2024

BLiSS: Bootstrapped Linear Shape Space

Muralikrishnan, S., Huang, C., Ceylan, D., Mitra, N. (Mar. 18, 2024)

International Conference on 3D Vision (3DV)

Pix2Video: Video Editing using Image Diffusion

Ceylan, D., Huang, C., Mitra, N. (Oct. 4, 2023)

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

MIME: Human-Aware 3D Scene Generation

Yi, H., Huang, C., Tripathi, S., Hering, L., Thies, J., Black, M. (Jun. 18, 2023)

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Blowing in the Wind: CycleNet for Human Cinemagraphs from Still Images

Bertiche, H., Mitra, N., Kulkarni, K., Huang, C., Wang, T., Madadi, M., Escalera, S., Ceylan, D. (Jun. 18, 2023)

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)