Zhaowen Wang is a research scientist in the Imagination Lab of Adobe Research. His research areas are image understanding and enhancement via machine learning algorithms, with special interest in deep learning. Before joining Adobe, Zhaowen obtained Ph.D. degree from University of Illinois at Urbana Champaign in 2014.


Scaling Up Video Summarization Pretraining with Large Language Models

Argaw, D., Yoon, D., Heilbron, F., Deilamsalehy, H., Bui, T., Wang, Z., Dernoncourt, F., Chung, J. (Jun. 21, 2024)

CVPR 2024

Multi-Modal Video Topic Segmentation with Dual-Contrastive Domain Adaptation

Xing, L., Tran, Q., Heilbron, F., Dernoncourt, F., Yoon, D., Wang, Z., Bui, T., Carenini, G. (Feb. 2, 2024)

Multimedia Modelling 2024

Moment Detection in Long Tutorial Videos

Croitoru, I., Bogolin, S., Albanie, S., Liu, Y., Wang, Z., Yoon, D., Dernoncourt, F., Jin, H., Bui, T. (Oct. 6, 2023)

ICCV 2023

SCCS: Semantics-Consistent Cross-domain Summarization via Optimal Transport Alignment

Qiu, J., Zhu, J., Xu, M., Dernoncourt, F., Bui, T., Wang, Z., Li, B., Jin, D. (Jul. 14, 2023)

Findings of ACL 2023

LiveSeg: Unsupervised Multimodal Temporal Segmentation of Long Livestream Videos

Qiu, J., Dernoncourt, F., Bui, T., Wang, Z., Zhao, D., Jin, H. (Jan. 6, 2023)

WACV 2023

Layout Representation Learning with Spatial and Structural Hierarchies

Bai, Y., Manandhar, D., Wang, Z., Collomosse, J., Fu, Y. (Jan. 4, 2023)

AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI)

Rethinking Text Segmentation: A Novel Dataset and a Text-Specific Refinement Approach

Xu, X., Zhang, Z., Wang, Z., Price, B., Want, Z., Shi, H. (Jun. 21, 2021)

CVPR 2021

STALP: Style Transfer With Auxiliary Limited Pairing

Futschik, D., Kucera, M., Lukáč, M., Wang, Z., Shechtman, E., Sykora, D. (May. 4, 2021)

Computer Graphics Forum 40(2), 2020 (Eurographics'21)

Texture Hallucination for Large-Scale Painting Super-Resolution

Zhang, Y., Zhang, Z., DiVerdi, S., Wang, Z., Echevarria, J., Fu, Y. (Aug. 23, 2020)

ECCV 2020

Controllable Artistic Text Style Transfer via Shape-Matching GAN

Yang, S., Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Xu, N., Liu, J., Guo, Z. (Oct. 28, 2019)

ICCV 2019

An Internal Learning Approach to Video Inpainting

Zhang, H., Mai, L., Xu, N., Wang, Z., Collomosse, J., Jin, H. (Oct. 28, 2019)

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2019

Log2Intent: Towards Interpretable User Modeling via Recurrent Semantics Memory Units

Tao, Z., Li, S., Wang, Z., Fang, C., Yang, L., Zhao, H., Fu, Y. (Aug. 4, 2019)


Visually Indicated Sound Generation by Perceptually Optimized Classification

Chen, K., Zhang, C., Fang, C., Wang, Z., Bui, T., Nevatia, R. (Sep. 9, 2018)

Best Paper Award

Proc. of the 1st Multimodal Learning and Applications Workshop (MULA 2018)

Perception-Driven Semi-Structured Boundary Vectorization

Dominici, E., Hoshyari, S., Sheffer, A., Carr, N., Ceylan, D., Wang, Z., Shen, I. (Jul. 15, 2018)

ACM Transaction on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH)

Multi-Content GAN for Few-Shot Font Style Transfer

Azadi, S., Fisher, M., Kim, V., Wang, Z., Shechtman, E., Darrell, T. (Jun. 21, 2018)


IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'18)

Visual to Sound: Generating Natural Sound for Videos in the Wild

Zhou, Y., Wang, Z., Fang, C., Bui, T., Berg, T. (Jun. 18, 2018)

Proc. of CVPR 2018

Photometric Stabilization for Fast-forward Videos

Zhang, X., Lee, J., Sunkavalli, K., Wang, Z. (Oct. 15, 2017)

Pacific Graphics 2017

Attention guided Multi-modal Correlation Learning for Image Search

Chen, K., Bui, T., Fang, C., Wang, Z., Nevatia, R. (Jul. 21, 2017)

Proc. of CVPR 2017

DeepFont: A System for Font Recognition and Similarity

Wang, Z., Yang, J., Jin, H., Brandt, J., Shechtman, E., Agarwala, A., Wang, Z., Song, Y., Hseih, J., Kong, S., Huang, T. (Oct. 1, 2015)

ACM International Conference on Multimedia (MM'15)

A Max-Margin Perspective on Sparse Representation-Based Classification

Wang, Z., Yang, J., Nasrabadi, N. (Dec. 1, 2013)

Proceedings of the IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV 2013), December 2013

Coupled Dictionary Training for Image Super-Resolution

Yang, J., Wang, Z., Lin, Z., Cohen, S., Huang, T. (May. 1, 2012)

IEEE Transactions on Image Processing, 21(8), 3467-3478, Aug. 2012 .

Bilevel Sparse Coding for Coupled Feature Spaces

Yang, J., Wang, Z., Lin, Z., Shu, X., Huang, T. (May. 1, 2012)

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) , 2012.