Zhiqin Chen

Research Scientist


My research interest is in computer graphics with a specialty in geometric modeling, machine learning, 3D reconstruction, and shape synthesis. I received my PhD and Master’s degree from Simon Fraser University, supervised by Prof. Hao (Richard) Zhang, and obtained my Bachelor’s degree from Shanghai Jiao Tong University.

My personal webpage is here.


DECOLLAGE: 3D Detailization by Controllable, Localized, and Learned Geometry Enhancement

Chen, Q., Chen, Z., Kim, V., Aigerman, N., Zhang, H., Chaudhuri, S. (Sep. 29, 2024)


DAE-Net: Deforming Auto-Encoder for fine-grained shape co-segmentation

Chen, Z., Chen, Q., Zhou, H., Zhang, H. (Jul. 28, 2024)