
Multi-hop Database Reasoning with Virtual Knowledge Graph

ACL 2024 Workshop on Knowledge Graphs and Large Language Models

Publication date: August 16, 2024

Juhee Son, Yeon Seonwoo, Alice Oh, James Thorne, David Seunghyun Yoon

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Application of LLM to database queries on natural language sentences has demonstrated impressive results in both single and multi-hop scenarios. In the existing methodologies, the requirement to re-encode query vectors at each stage for processing multi-hop queries presents a significant bottleneck to the inference speed. This paper proposes VKGFR (Virtual Knowledge Graph based Fact Retriever) that leverages large language models to extract representations corresponding to a sentence's knowledge graph, significantly enhancing inference speed for multi-hop reasoning without performance loss. Given that both the queries and natural language database sentences can be structured as a knowledge graph, we suggest extracting a Virtual Knowledge Graph (VKG) representation from sentences with LLM. Over the pre-constructed VKG, our VKGFR conducts retrieval with a tiny model structure, showing performance improvements with higher computational efficiency. We evaluate VKGFR on the WikiNLDB and MetaQA dataset, designed for multi-hop database reasoning over text. The results indicate 13x faster inference speed on the WikiNLDB dataset without performance loss.