
One Noise to Rule Them All: Learning a Unified Model of Spatially-Varying Noise Patterns


Publication date: July 28, 2024

Arman Maesumi, Dylan Hu, Krishi Saripalli, Vladimir (Vova) Kim, Matt Fisher, Soren Pirk, Daniel Ritchie

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Procedural noise is a fundamental component of computer graphics pipelines, offering a flexible way to generate textures that exhibit "natural" random variation. Many different types of noise exist, each produced by a separate algorithm. In this paper, we present a single generative model which can learn to generate multiple types of noise as well as blend between them. In addition, it is capable of producing spatially-varying noise blends despite not having access to such data for training. These features are enabled by training a denoising diffusion model using a novel combination of data augmentation and network conditioning techniques. Like procedural noise generators, the model's behavior is controllable via interpretable parameters plus a source of randomness. We use our model to produce a variety of visually compelling noise textures. We also present an application of our model to improving inverse procedural material design; using our model in place of fixed-type noise nodes in a procedural material graph results in higher-fidelity material reconstructions without needing to know the type of noise in advance.

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