Publication date: January 30, 2007
IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence , 29(1), 141–158
G. Zeng, Sylvain Paris, Q. L., F. Sillion
Publication date: January 30, 2007
S. Makino, T-W.Lee and H. Sawada (eds.) Blind Speech Separation, Springer
Paris Smaragdis
Publication date: January 30, 2007
Computer Aided Geometric Design 24 , 499-518
M. Wardetzky, M. Bergou, D. Harmon, D. Zorin, E. Grinspun
Publication date: January 30, 2007
XPS/PDF Conference, 2007 , Winterthur, Switzerland
J. King
Publication date: January 30, 2007
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) , 26(3), 103:1–103:9
Publication date: January 30, 2007
In Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH)
J. McCann, N. Pollard
Publication date: January 30, 2007
Xplor University, 2007 , Miami Beach, FL, USA
J. King
Publication date: January 30, 2007
ACM Transactions on Graphics , 26(3), 50:1-50:10
M. Bergou, M. Mathur, M. Wardetzky, E. Grinspun
Publication date: December 11, 2006
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) , 25(3), 853–861
A. Agarwala, M. Agrawala, M. Cohen, David Salesin, R. Szeliski
Publication date: November 29, 2006
International Journal of Computer Vision , 66(2), 141–161
Publication date: November 27, 2006
ACM Multimedia 2006 , 451-460
A. Webb, A. Kerne, Eunyee Koh, P. Joshi, Y. Park, R. Graeber
Publication date: November 14, 2006
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) , 25(2), 239–267
S. Xu, Y. Xu, S. Kang, David Salesin, Y. Pan, H. Shum
Publication date: October 31, 2006
IEEE Symposium on Visual Analytics Science and Technology (VAST2006)
S. Card, B. Suh, B. Pendleton, J. Heer, J. Bodnar
Publication date: October 24, 2006
In Graphics Interface , 203–209
Nathan Carr, J. Hoberock, K. Crane, J. Hart
Publication date: October 23, 2006
In SGP '06: Proceedings of the fourth Eurographics symposium on Geometry Processing , 181–190
Nathan Carr, J. Hoberock, K. Crane, J. Hart
Publication date: October 11, 2006
In UIST '06: Proceedings of the 19th annual ACM symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , 115–124
Mira Dontcheva, S. Drucker, G. Wade, David Salesin, M. Cohen
Publication date: October 2, 2006
Concurrency and Computation – Practice and Experience, October
A. Welc, S. Jagannathan, A. Hosking
Publication date: September 20, 2006
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. Siggraph) , 25(3), 1221–1226
Holger Winnemöller, S. Olsen, B. Gooch
Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
Human Computer Interaction
Publication date: August 21, 2006
In Computational Science -- ICCS 2006 , 228–235
Publication date: August 19, 2006
In Proceedings of the SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '06, Montréal, Canada) , 771–780
A. Santella, M. Agrawala, D. DeCarlo, David Salesin, M. Cohen