Publication date: October 2, 2008
International Conference on Object-Oriented Programming Systems, Languages, and Applications (OOPSLA), October Y. Ni, A. Welc, A. Adl-Tabatabai, M. Bach, S. Berkowits, J. Cownie, R. Geva, S. Kozhukow, R. Narayanaswamy, J. Olivier, S. Preis, B. Saha, A. Tal, X. Tian
Publication date: October 2, 2008
In Proc. European Conference on Computer Vision, LNCS 5305, 74–87, 2008. S. Kuthirummal, A. Agarwala, Dan Goldman, S. Nayar
Publication date: October 2, 2008
In UIST '08: Proceedings of the 21st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , 3–12, 2008. Dan Goldman, C. Gonterman, B. Curless, David Salesin, S. Seitz
Publication date: September 22, 2008
In CVPR 2008: IEEE Computer Socitey conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition L. Wang, Hailin Jin , R. Yang, M. Gong
Publication date: September 5, 2008
In IEEE Transactions on Pattern Analysis and Machine Intelligence . 30(6), 1068-1080 R. Szeliski, R. Zabih, D. Scharstein, O. Veksler, V. Kolmogorov, A. Agarwala, M. Tappen, M. Rother
Publication date: August 15, 2008
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) , 27(3), 101:1-101:7 L. Wi, M. Agrawala, B. Curless, David Salesin
Publication date: August 1, 2008
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 27(3) F. Grabler, M. Agrawala, R. Sumner, M. Pauly
Publication date: August 1, 2008
ACM Transactions on Graphics
Graphics (2D & 3D)
Publication date: July 27, 2008
In International Journal of Computer Vision , 76(3), 245-256 Hailin Jin , D. Cremers, D. Wang, E. Prados, A. Yezzi, S. Soatto
Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
Publication date: July 11, 2008
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Services Computing (SCC), July 2008, Honolulu, HI
Publication date: July 2, 2008
European Conference on Object-Oriented Programming (ECOOP), July L. Ziarek, A. Welc, A. Adl-Tabatabai, V. Menon, T. Shpeisman, S. Jagannathan
Publication date: June 13, 2008
IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)
Graphics (2D & 3D)
Publication date: June 2, 2008
Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), June A. Welc, B. Saha, A. Adl-Tabatabai
Publication date: June 2, 2008
Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), June R. Yoo, Y. Ni, A. Welc, B. Saha, A. Adl-Tabatabai, H. Lee
Publication date: June 2, 2008
Symposium on Parallelism in Algorithms and Architectures (SPAA), June V. Menon, S. Balensiefer, T. Shpeisman, A. Adl-Tabatabai, R. Hudson, B. Saha, A. Welc
Publication date: April 14, 2008
Computer Graphics Forum (Proc. Eurographics), 27(2), 2008
Publication date: April 5, 2008
ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI '08) A. Kittur, E. Chi, B. Suh
Publication date: March 17, 2008
ACM Transactions on Information Systems , 27(1), 1-47 A. Kerne, Eunyee Koh , S. Smith, H. Choi, A. Webb, B. Dworaczyk
Publication date: March 17, 2008
In UIST'08: Proceedings of 21st annual ACM symposium on User Interface Software and Technology , 239–248 E. Adar, Mira Dontcheva , J. Fogarty, D. Weld
Publication date: February 22, 2008
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH) , 27(3), 92:1 - 92:8 A. Bousseau, A. Orzan, Holger Winnemöller, P. Barla, J. Thollot, David Salesin