In Natural Language Processing (NLP), we focus on how computers understand and interact with humans through natural conversation and text. We develop new NLP methods for collecting, processing, analyzing and understanding large amounts of natural language data for diverse applications such as intelligent conversational assistants, natural language search, document intelligence and knowledge acquisition.
Our research projects span natural language understanding, dialogue systems, document semantics and affect understanding, document re-synthesis, text-mining, structured information extraction, knowledge acquisition and representation, joint language and vision-based understanding of images and videos, deep learning, and the use of natural language for computational creativity. Our work includes efforts in intelligent assistants, multimodal search, document understanding, content generation, affect modelling, and multimodal content synthesis.
At Adobe Research, research scientists are exploring new ways of using knowledge graphs to develop tools to inform and inspire our customers. Knowledge graphs represent complex real-world material in a rich, interconnected network, helping users find answers that might otherwise be hidden.