Bryan Russell

Senior Research Scientist

San Francisco

Bryan Russell is a Research Scientist at Adobe Systems. His research interests are primarily in computer vision.

Bryan received his Ph.D. from MIT in the Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence Laboratory and was a post-doctoral fellow in the INRIA Willow team at the Département d’Informatique of Ecole Normale Supérieure in Paris, France. He was a Research Scientist with Intel Labs as part of the Intel Science and Technology Center for Visual Computing (ISTC-VC) and has been affiliated with the University of Washington.

For more information please see his personal page.


Meta-Personalizing Vision-Language Models to Find Named Instances in Video

Yeh, C., Russell, B., Sivic, J., Heilbron, F., Jenni, S. (Jul. 17, 2023)

Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

It’s Time for Artistic Correspondence in Music and Video

Surís, D., Vondrick, C., Russell, B., Salamon, J. (Jun. 19, 2022)

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Telling Left From Right: Learning Spatial Correspondence of Sight and Sound

Yang, K., Russell, B., Salamon, J. (Jun. 14, 2020)

IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR)

Learning Elementary Structures for 3D Shape Generation and Matching

Deprelle, T., Groueix, T., Fisher, M., Kim, V., Russell, B., Aubry, M. (Dec. 1, 2019)

Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems Description

Neural Re-Simulation for Generating Bounces in Single Images

Innamorati, C., Russell, B., Kaufman, D., Mitra, N. (Oct. 28, 2019)

ICCV 2019

Photometric Mesh Optimization for Video-Aligned 3D Object Reconstruction

Hsuan-Lin, C., Wang, O., Russell, B., Shechtman, E., Kim, V., Fisher, M., Lucey, S., Shechtman, S. (Jun. 18, 2019)

IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR'19)

Bounce and Learn: Modeling Scene Dynamics with Real-World Bounces

Purushwalkam, S., Gupta, A., Kaufman, D., Russell, B. (May. 6, 2019)

ICLR 2019

B-Script: Transcript-based B-roll Video Editing with Recommendations

Huber, B., Shin, H., Russell, B., Wang, O., Mysore, G. (May. 4, 2019)

ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)

Localizing Moments in Video with Temporal Language

Hendricks, L., Wang, O., Shechtman, E., Sivic, J., Darrell, T., Russell, B. (Nov. 1, 2018)

Empirical Methods in Natural Language Processing (EMNLP'18)

3D-CODED : 3D Correspondences by Deep Deformation

Groueix, T., Fisher, M., Kim, V., Russell, B., Aubry, M. (Sep. 16, 2018)


AtlasNet: A Papier-Mâché Approach to Learning 3D Surface Generation

Groueix, T., Fisher, M., Kim, V., Russell, B., Aubry, M. (Jul. 2, 2018)



Transferring Image-based Edits for Multi-Channel Compositing

Hennessey, J., Li, W., Russell, B., Shechtman, E., Mitra, N. (Nov. 27, 2017)

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia'17)

Localizing Moments in Video with Natural Language

Hendricks, L., Wang, O., Shechtman, E., Sivic, J., Darrell, T., Russell, B. (Oct. 27, 2017)

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Venice 2017

SURGE: Surface Regularized Geometry Estimation from a Single Image

Wang, P., Russell, B., Shen, X., Cohen, S., Price, B., Yuille, A. (Dec. 1, 2016)

Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems
