Élie Michel joined Adobe Research in 2022, after completing a PhD in Computer Graphics at IP Paris under the supervision of Pr. Tamy Boubekeur. Previously he studied Computer Science at the École normale supérieure and the MVA Master as well as Computer Arts at Paris 8 University. This two-sided background joining art and science nicely fits the spirit of Adobe Research.

His research focuses on how to have digital creation be more accessible, especially 3D shapes; how to make it more of an artistic process and less of a technical task. He studied in particular the challenges raised by procedural representations of 2D or 3D shapes, helping their authoring, manipulation and analysis through methods ranging from symbolic AI to real-time rendering.

More details can be found on his personal websites for computer art and for research.


Direct Manipulation of Analytic Implicit Surfaces

Riso, M., Michel, Ã., Paris, A., Deschaintre, V., Gaillard, M., Pellacini, F. (Dec. 2, 2024)

SIGGRAPH Asia 2024

N-BVH: Neural Ray Queries with Bounding Volume Hierarchies

Weier, P., Rath, A., Michel, Ã., Georgiev, I., Slusallek, P., Boubekeur, T. (Jul. 29, 2024)


Biharmonic Coordinates and their Derivatives for Triangular 3D Cages

Thiery, J., Michel, Ã., Chen, J. (Jul. 27, 2024)


RRM: Relightable assets using Radiance guided Material extraction

Gomez, D., Philip, J., Kaiser, A., Michel, Ã. (Jul. 5, 2024)

CGI 2024

MesoGen: Designing Procedural On-surface Stranded Mesostructures

Michel, Ã., Boubekeur, T. (Jul. 23, 2023)


Polynomial 2D Green Coordinates for Polygonal Cages

Michel, Ã., Thiery, J. (Jul. 23, 2023)