Jane Hoffswell

Research Scientist


Jane is a research scientist at Adobe, specializing in visualization and human-computer interaction (HCI). Her research focuses on responsive visualization, visualizations for system and code understanding, and the design of interactive, end-user systems. Jane received her Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Washington in 2020, where she was advised by Prof. Jeffrey Heer as part of the Interactive Data Lab. Before that, she graduated from Harvey Mudd College with a B.S. in Computer Science.

For an up-to-date list of publications, please refer to her personal website.


Interaction Techniques for Exploratory Data Visualization on Mobile Devices

Snyder, L., Rossi, R., Koh, E., Heer, J., Hoffswell, J. (May. 27, 2024)

EuroVis 2024 (short paper)

Dupo: A Mixed-Initiative Authoring Tool for Responsive Visualization

Kim, H., Rossi, R., Hullman, J., Hoffswell, J. (Oct. 23, 2023)

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS)

Socrates: Data Story Generation via Adaptive Machine-Guided Elicitation of User Feedback

Wu, G., Guo, S., Hoffswell, J., Chan, G., Rossi, R., Koh, E. (Oct. 23, 2023)

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS 2023)

PaperToPlace: Transforming Instruction Documents into Spatialized and Context-Aware Mixed Reality Experiences

Chen, C., Nguyen, C., Hoffswell, J., Healey, J., Bui, T., Weibel, N. (Oct. 10, 2023)


WhatsNext: Guidance-enriched Exploratory Data Analysis with Interactive, Low-Code Notebooks

Chen, C., Hoffswell, J., Guo, S., Rossi, R., Chan, G., Du, F., Koh, E., Liu, L. (Oct. 3, 2023)

IEEE Symposium on Visual Languages and Human-Centric Computing (VL/HCC)

DataPilot: Utilizing Quality and Usage Information for Subset Selection during Visual Data Preparation

Narechania, A., Du, F., Sinha, A., Rossi, R., Hoffswell, J., Guo, S., Koh, E., Navathe, S., Endert, A. (Apr. 23, 2023)

CHI '23: Proceedings of the 2023 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems, April 2023

Comparison Conundrum and the Chamber of Visualizations: An Exploration of How Language Influences Visual Design

Gaba, A., Setlur, V., Srinivasan, A., Hoffswell, J., Xiong, C. (Oct. 18, 2022)

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS)

Let’s Get Personal: Exploring the Design of Personalized Visualizations

Bullock, B., Guo, S., Koh, E., Rossi, R., Du, F., Hoffswell, J. (Oct. 18, 2022)

IEEE Visualization Conference (VIS)

ViSRE: A Unified Visual Analysis Dashboard for Proactive Cloud Outage Management

Kayongo, P., Hoffswell, J., Saini, S., Garg, S., Koh, E., Wang, H., Jacobs, T. (Oct. 2, 2022)

IEEE Working Conference on Software Visualization (VISSOFT)

Cicero: A Declarative Grammar for Responsive Visualization

Kim, H., Rossi, R., Du, F., Koh, E., Guo, S., Hullman, J., Hoffswell, J. (May. 2, 2022)

ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)

An Evaluation-Focused Framework for Visualization Recommendation Algorithms

Zeng, Z., Moh, P., Du, F., Hoffswell, J., Lee, T., Malik, S., Koh, E., Battle, L. (Oct. 26, 2021)

Best Paper Honorable Mention

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (VIS)

Techniques for Flexible Responsive Visualization Design

Hoffswell, J., Li, W., Liu, L. (Apr. 27, 2020)

Best Paper

ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)

Interactive Repair of Tables Extracted from PDF Documents on Mobile Devices

Hoffswell, J., Liu, L. (May. 2, 2019)

ACM Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI)
