Robin Faury is a research engineer at Adobe Research. His primary research interest is the modeling and visualization of procedural geometry and material. He is also a teacher at the engineer school ISIMA. Prior to joining Adobe, Robin received his engineer’s degree in computer science (image, interaction and virtual reality) at the UTBM.


MatUp: Repurposing Image Upsamplers for SVBRDFs

Gauthier, A., Kerbl, B., Levallois, J., Faury, R., Thiery, J., Boubekeur, T. (Jul. 2, 2024)

EGSR 2024

MIPNet: Neural Normal-to-Anisotropic-Roughness MIP Mapping

Gauthier, A., Faury, R., Levallois, J., Thonat, T., Thiery, J., Boubekeur, T. (Dec. 6, 2022)

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2022)