Somdeb is a Research Scientist at the Systems Technology Lab of Adobe Research. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from the University of Texas at Dallas under the supervision of Dr. Vibhav Gogate. His thesis was to develop scalable algorithms for inference and learning in large complex graphical models.

His current research work focuses on audience behavior understanding to improve recommendations, marketing strategy, and advertisement placement. He has a broad research interest in probabilistic graphical models, deep learning, Bayesian non-parametric, and neuro-symbolic reasoning.


Flash: Concept Drift Adaptation in Federated Learning

Panchal, K., Choudhary, S., Mitra, S., Mukherjee, K., Sarkhel, S., Mitra, S., Guan, H. (Jul. 23, 2023)

Proceedings of the 40th International Conference on Machine Learning (ICML)

Towards Preserving Server-Side Privacy of On-Device Models

Atrey, A., Sinha, R., Sarkhel, S., Mitra, S., Arbour, D., Maharaj, A., Shenoy, P. (Apr. 25, 2022)

The Web Conference

BOhance: Bayesian Optimization for Content Enhancement

Mittal, T., Swaminathan, V., Sarkhel, S., Sinha, R., Arbour, D., Mitra, S., Manocha, D. (Nov. 1, 2021)

IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM)

Scalable Bid Landscape Forecasting in Real-time Bidding

Ghosh, A., Mitra, S., Sarkhel, S., Xie, J., Wu, G., Swaminathan, V. (Sep. 16, 2019)


Content-Based Effectiveness Prediction of Video Advertisements

Lou, Q., Sarkhel, S., Mitra, S., Swaminathan, V. (Dec. 10, 2018)


Personalized Video Recommendations for Shared Accounts

Yang, S., Sarkhel, S., Mitra, S., Swaminathan, V. (Dec. 11, 2017)