
Publication date: September 1, 2012

Registration Based Non-uniform Motion Deblurring

Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue on Pacific Graphics 2012) , 31(7), September 2012

S. Cho, H. Cho, Y. Tai, S. Lee

Publication date: August 31, 2012

Exploring Collections of 3D Models using Fuzzy Correspondences

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)

Vladimir Kim, Wilmot Li, Niloy Mitra, Stephen DiVerdi, Thomas Funkhouser
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)
  • Adobe Research icon Human Computer Interaction

Publication date: August 12, 2012

Wally – Crowd powered image matching on tablets

CrowdKDD 2012: Crowdsourcing and Data Mining

Deepak Pai

Publication date: August 7, 2012

Plastic Trees: Interactive Self-Adapting Botanical Tree Models

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2012)

S. Pirk, O. Stava, J. Kratt, B. Neubert, Radomír Měch, B. Benes, O. Deussen

Publication date: August 7, 2012

Stress Relief: Improving Structural Strength of 3D Printable Objects

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2012)

O. Stava, J. Vanek, B. Benes, Nathan Carr, Radomír Měch

Publication date: August 5, 2012

Wally Crowd powered image matching on tablets

Proceedings of KDD 2012 Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Data Mining.

D. Pai, D. James

Publication date: August 5, 2012

Image melding: Combining inconsistent images using patch-based synthesis

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH'12) , 31(4), August 2012.

Soheil Darabi, Eli Shechtman, Connelly Barnes, Dan Goldman, Pradeep Sen
  • Adobe Research icon Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: August 5, 2012

Consistent stylization of stereoscopic 3D images

ACM SIGGRAPH 2012 Posters

Lesley Northam, Paul Asente, Craig Kaplan
  • Adobe Research icon Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: August 1, 2012

Reflections on Simultaneous Impact

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH 2012)

Breannan Smith, Danny Kaufman, Etienne Vouga, Rasmus Tamstorf, Eitan Grinspun
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: August 1, 2012

Apparent Resolution Enhancement for Motion Videos

Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Applied Perception

F. Berthouzoz, R. Fattal

Publication date: August 1, 2012

Understanding and Improving the Realism of Image Composites

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH'12) , 31(4), August 2012.

S. Xue, A. Agarwala, J. Dorsey, R. H..

Publication date: August 1, 2012

Tools for Placing Cuts and Transitions in Interview Video

ACM Transactions on Graphics, 31(4)

F. Berthouzoz, Wilmot Li, M. Agrawala

Publication date: August 1, 2012

Video Deblurring for Hand-held Cameras Using Patch-based Synthesis

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH'12) , 31(4), August 2012.

S. Cho, Jue Wang, S. Lee

Publication date: July 25, 2012

A Probabilistic Model for Component-Based Shape Synthesis


Evangelos Kalogerakis, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Daphne Koller, Vladlen Koltun
  • Adobe Research icon AI & Machine Learning
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: July 14, 2012

Kernel-Based Reinforcement Learning on Representative States

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2012.

Branislav Kveton, Georgios Theocharous

Publication date: July 5, 2012

Simple Formulas For Quasiconformal Plane Deformations

ACM Transactions on Graphics

Yaron Lipman, Vladimir Kim, Thomas Funkhouser
  • Adobe Research icon Computer Vision, Imaging & Video

Publication date: July 2, 2012

Inferring 3D shape from incomplete 2D pose using a Gaussian prior

In the Adobe Technical Report 2012-1.

Dan Goldman, N. Reid, D. Epps

Publication date: July 1, 2012

HelpingHand: Example-based Stroke Stylization

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)

Jingwan (Cynthia) Lu, F. Yu, A. Finkelstein, Stephen DiVerdi
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: July 1, 2012

Finding Surface Correspondences Using Symmetry Axis Curves

Symposium on Geometry Processing

Tianqiang Liu, Vladimir Kim, Thomas Funkhouser
  • Adobe Research icon Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: July 1, 2012

Symmetry-Guided Texture Synthesis and Manipulation

ACM Transactions on Graphics

Vladimir Kim, Yaron Lipman, Thomas Funkhouser
  • Adobe Research icon Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
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