Publication date: October 17, 1988
UIST 1988 – Proceedings of the 1st Annual ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology
Joel McCormack, Paul Asente
Human Computer Interaction
Systems & Languages
Publication date: September 1, 1988
IEEE Computer Graphics and Applications , Vol. 8, No. 5, pp4-7, Sept 1988
Publication date: August 1, 1988
Computer Graphics, Vol. 22., No. 4 , August 1988, pp 169-178
Publication date: June 1, 1988
Proceedings of Graphics Interface '88 , Edmonton, Alberta, 6-10 June 1988, pp 138-145
Publication date: July 1, 1987
Ph.D. Thesis, Stanford University Department of Computer Science
Paul Asente
Graphics (2D & 3D)
Human Computer Interaction
Systems & Languages
Publication date: February 1, 1987
Ph.D. Thesis, Cambridge University Department of Engineering, Cambridge, England, 1987
Publication date: August 1, 1986
Computer Graphics Vol. 20, No. 4 , August 1986, pp 39-48
Publication date: December 20, 1981
ACM SIGSOFT Softw. Eng. Notes , 6(1), 9–14
J. King
Publication date: October 11, 1981
In Proceedings of the ACM SIGPLAN SIGOA symposium on Text manipulation , 82–91
D. Chamberlin, J. King, D. Slutz, S. Todd, P. J., B. Wade
Publication date: February 21, 1980
IEEE Trans. Software Eng. , 6(5), 465-479
J. King
Publication date: November 14, 1976
ACM Comput. Surv. , 8(3), 331–353
S. Hantler, J. King
Publication date: February 15, 1976
Commun. ACM , 19(7), 385–394
J. King