
Publication date: February 1, 2015

Subcategory-Aware Object Detection

Signal Processing Lett. 22(9): 1472-1476 (2015)

X. Yu, Jianchao Yang, Zhe Lin, Jue Wang, T. Wang, T. Huang

Publication date: February 1, 2015

Synthesis of Complex Image Appearance from Limited Exemplars

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. TOG'15), 34(2)

O. Diamanti, Sylvain Paris, Connelly Barnes, Eli Shechtman, O. Sorkine-Hornung

Publication date: January 1, 2015

Efficient Learning-based Illuminant Estimation Using Simple Features

In Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2015.

D. Cheng, Brian Price, Scott Cohen, M. Brown

Publication date: January 1, 2015

High Confidence Off-Policy Evaluation

Association for the Advancement of Artificial Intelligence (AAAI) 2015.

P. Thomas, Georgios Theocharous, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh

Publication date: January 1, 2015

Learning an Aesthetic Photo Cropping Cascade

WACV 2015

P. Wang, Zhe Lin, Radomír Měch

Publication date: January 1, 2015

Towards Unified Depth and Semantic Prediction from a Single Image

In Proc. IEEE Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR) 2015

P. Wang, Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Scott Cohen, Brian Price, A. Yuille

Publication date: January 1, 2015

Selective Pooling Vector for Fine-Grained Recognition

IEEE Winter Conference on Applications of Computer Vision (WACV'15)

G. Chen, Jianchao Yang, Hailin Jin, Eli Shechtman, Jonathan Brandt, T. Han

Publication date: January 1, 2015

Autocorrelation Descriptor for Efficient Co-alignment of 3D Shape Collections

Computer Graphics Forum

Melinos Averkiou, Vladimir Kim, Niloy Mitra
  • Adobe Research icon Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: December 18, 2014

Performance Study of Spindle, A Web Analytics Query Engine Implemented in Apache Spark

2014 IEEE 6th International Conference on Cloud Computing Technology and Science (CloudCom)

B. Amos, David Tompkins

Publication date: December 12, 2014

Parametric Dictionaries and Feature Augmentation for Continuous Domain Adaptation

Indian Conference on Computer Vision Graphics and Image Processing

Sumit Shekhar, Nitesh Shroff, Rama Chellappa
  • Adobe Research icon AI & Machine Learning
  • Adobe Research icon Computer Vision, Imaging & Video

Publication date: December 8, 2014

Mitigating Interference in Cloud Services by Middleware Reconfiguration

In the Proceedings of the 15th International Middleware Conference (Middleware)

Amiya K. Maji, Subrata Mitra, Bowen Zhou, Saurabh Bagchi, Akshat Verma
  • Adobe Research icon Systems & Languages

Publication date: December 1, 2014

A Speech-drive E-book Technology Prototype Demo

In Proceedings of the 2014 Spoken Language Technology Workshop (SLT 2014) , South Lake Tahoe, Nevada, USA.

S. Peters, Trung Bui

Publication date: December 1, 2014

Word-level Language Identification in Bi-lingual Code-switched Texts


Harsh Jhamtani, S. Bhogi, V. Raychoudhury

Publication date: December 1, 2014

Algorithms for CVaR Optimization in MDPs

Proceedings of the Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference on Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS-2014), pp. 3509-3517, 2014.

Yinlam Chow, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
  • Adobe Research icon AI & Machine Learning

Publication date: December 1, 2014

Constrained Stochastic Optimal Control with a Baseline Performance Guarantee

Workshop on “From Bad Models to Good Policies”, Twenty-Eighth Annual Conference on Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems (NIPS-2014), Montreal, Canada, December 2014.

Yinlam Chow, Mohammad Ghavamzadeh
  • Adobe Research icon AI & Machine Learning

Publication date: November 14, 2014

Orion: Scaling Genomic Sequence Matching with Fine-Grained Parallelization

International Conference for High Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis (Supercomputing)

Kanak Mahadik, Somali Chaterji, Bowen Zhou, Milind Kulkarni, Saurabh Bagchi
  • Adobe Research icon Systems & Languages

Publication date: November 10, 2014

Stemming the flow of information in a social network

The 6th International Conference on Social Informatics

Balaji Vasan Srinivasan, A. Kumar, S. Gupta, K. Gupta
  • Adobe Research icon AI & Machine Learning
  • Adobe Research icon Content Intelligence

Publication date: November 1, 2014

Automatic Image Cropping using Visual Composition, Boundary Simplicity and Content Preservation Models

ACM Multimedia 2014

C. Fang, Zhe Lin, Radomír Měch, Xiaohui Shen
  • Adobe Research icon Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
  • Adobe Research icon Content Intelligence

Publication date: November 1, 2014

Mirror mirror: crowdsourcing better portraits

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia'14)

J. Zhu, A. Agarwala, A. Efros, Eli Shechtman, Jue Wang

Publication date: November 1, 2014

Creating Consistent Scene Graphs Using a Probabilistic Grammar


Tianqiang Liu, Siddhartha Chaudhuri, Vladimir Kim, Qi-Xing Huang, Niloy Mitra, Thomas Funkhouser
  • Adobe Research icon Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)
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