Publication date: December 25, 2012
International Symposium on Advances in Ubiquitous Computing and Networking
Deepak Pai
Publication date: December 19, 2012
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH'12) , 31(4), August 2012.
J. Bai, A. Agarwala, M. Agrawala, R. Ramamoorthi
Publication date: December 1, 2012
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia), 31(6), 2012
L. Luo, I. Baran, S. Rusinkiewicz, W. Matusik
Publication date: November 28, 2012
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia'12), 31(6), November 2012.
P. Sen, N. Kalantari, M. Yaesoubi, S. Darabi, Dan Goldman, Eli Shechtman
Publication date: November 15, 2012
ZENITH International Research & Academic Foundation (ZIRAF) India
Gaurush Hiranandani
Data Intelligence
Publication date: November 7, 2012
Microsoft technical publication
Graphics (2D & 3D)
Human Computer Interaction
Publication date: November 1, 2012
In the Adobe Technical Report 2012-2.
X. Chen, T. Funkhouser, Dan Goldman, Eli Shechtman
Publication date: October 30, 2012
Image and Video-Based Artistic Stylisation
Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
Graphics (2D & 3D)
Publication date: October 13, 2012
3DIMPVT 2012.
Best Paper Award
Publication date: October 12, 2012
Computers & Graphics, 36(6), pp. 740--753.
Holger Winnemöller, S. Olsen, J. Kyprianidis
Publication date: October 9, 2012
SIAM Journal on Scientific Computing, 34(5), 2012
Graphics (2D & 3D)
Publication date: October 7, 2012
European Conf. Computer Vision
Vuong Le, Jonathan Brandt, Zhe Lin, Lubomir Bourdev, Thomas Huang
AI & Machine Learning
Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
Publication date: October 7, 2012
European Conference of Computer Vision
Xiaohui Shen, Zhe Lin, Jonathan Brandt, Ying Wu
Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
Publication date: October 7, 2012
J. Talton, L. Yang, R. Kumar, M. Lim, N. Goodman, Radomír Měch
Publication date: October 7, 2012
In Proceedings of UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology .
S. Oney, Joel Brandt, B. Myers
Publication date: October 7, 2012
In Proceedings of UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.
D. Wightman, Z. Ye, Joel Brandt, R. Vertegaal
Publication date: October 1, 2012
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 93-102
Publication date: October 1, 2012
Computers & Graphics Volume 36, Issue 6 (October 2012)
Paul Asente, John Collomosse, Tobias Isenberg, T. Metin Sezgin
Graphics (2D & 3D)
Publication date: October 1, 2012
ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 113-122
Publication date: October 1, 2012
Proceedings of the 25th annual ACM Symposium on User interface Software and Technology
Human Computer Interaction