
Publication date: October 7, 2012

Learning Design Patterns with Bayesian Grammar Induction


J. Talton, L. Yang, R. Kumar, M. Lim, N. Goodman, Radomír Měch

Publication date: October 7, 2012

ConstraintJS: Programming Interactive Behaviors for the Web by Integrating Constraints and States

In Proceedings of UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology .

S. Oney, Joel Brandt, B. Myers

Publication date: October 7, 2012

SnipMatch: Using Source Code Context to Enhance Snippet Retrieval and Parameterization

In Proceedings of UIST: ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology.

D. Wightman, Z. Ye, Joel Brandt, R. Vertegaal

Publication date: October 1, 2012

MixT: Automatic Generation of Step-by-Step Mixed Media Tutorials

ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 93-102

Mira Dontcheva, Wilmot Li, P. Chi, S. Ahn, A. Ren, B. Hartmann

Publication date: October 1, 2012

Special section on the 2011 joint symposium on computational aesthetics (CAe), non-photorealistic animation and rendering (NPAR), and sketch-based interfaces and modeling (SBIM)

Computers & Graphics Volume 36, Issue 6 (October 2012)

Paul Asente, John Collomosse, Tobias Isenberg, T. Metin Sezgin
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: October 1, 2012

Tutorial-based Interfaces for Cloud-enabled Applications

ACM Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 113-122

G. Laput, E. Adar, Mira Dontcheva, Wilmot Li

Publication date: October 1, 2012

UnderScore: Musical Underlays for Audio Stories

Proceedings of the 25th annual ACM Symposium on User interface Software and Technology

S. Rubin, F. Berthouzoz, Gautham Mysore, Wilmot Li, M. Agrawala
  • Adobe Research icon Audio
  • Adobe Research icon Human Computer Interaction

Publication date: October 1, 2012

Cliplets: juxtaposing still and dynamic imagery


Neel Joshi, Sisil Mehta, Steven Drucker, Eric Stollnitz, Hugues Hoppe, Matt Uyttendaele, Michael Cohen
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)
  • Adobe Research icon Human Computer Interaction

Publication date: October 1, 2012

A Triangulation-Invariant Method for Anisotropic Geodesic Map Computation on Surface Meshes

IEEE Transactions on Visualization and Computer Graphics (TVCG)

Sang Wook Yoo, Joon-Kyung Seong, Minhyuk Sung, Sung Yong Shin, Elaine Cohen
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)

Publication date: September 23, 2012

Language Informed Bandwidth Expansion

IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing

Jinyu Han, Gautham Mysore, Paris Smaragdis
  • Adobe Research icon AI & Machine Learning
  • Adobe Research icon Audio

Publication date: September 22, 2012

Replacing the computer mouse

MIT CSAIL Student Workshop 2012

Franck Dernoncourt
  • Adobe Research icon Human Computer Interaction

Publication date: September 19, 2012

An Optimal Client Bu ffer Model for Multiplexing HTTP Streams

In Proceedings of IEEE International Workshop on Multimedia Signal Processing (MMSP), Sep 2012, Banff, Canada

Saayan Mitra, Vishy Swaminathan

Publication date: September 9, 2012

Speech Enhancement by Online Non-negative Spectrogram Decomposition in Non-stationary Noise Environments


Zhiyao Duan, Gautham Mysore, Paris Smaragdis
  • Adobe Research icon AI & Machine Learning
  • Adobe Research icon Audio

Publication date: September 5, 2012

Joint inference of Soft Biometric Features

5th IAPR International Conference on Biometrics, {ICB} 2012, New Delhi, India

Niyati Chhaya, Tim Oates
  • Adobe Research icon AI & Machine Learning
  • Adobe Research icon Natural Language Processing

Publication date: September 1, 2012

Registration Based Non-uniform Motion Deblurring

Computer Graphics Forum (Special Issue on Pacific Graphics 2012) , 31(7), September 2012

S. Cho, H. Cho, Y. Tai, S. Lee

Publication date: August 31, 2012

Exploring Collections of 3D Models using Fuzzy Correspondences

ACM Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH)

Vladimir Kim, Wilmot Li, Niloy Mitra, Stephen DiVerdi, Thomas Funkhouser
  • Adobe Research icon Graphics (2D & 3D)
  • Adobe Research icon Human Computer Interaction

Publication date: August 12, 2012

Wally – Crowd powered image matching on tablets

CrowdKDD 2012: Crowdsourcing and Data Mining

Deepak Pai

Publication date: August 7, 2012

Plastic Trees: Interactive Self-Adapting Botanical Tree Models

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2012)

S. Pirk, O. Stava, J. Kratt, B. Neubert, Radomír Měch, B. Benes, O. Deussen

Publication date: August 7, 2012

Stress Relief: Improving Structural Strength of 3D Printable Objects

ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH 2012)

O. Stava, J. Vanek, B. Benes, Nathan Carr, Radomír Měch

Publication date: August 5, 2012

Wally Crowd powered image matching on tablets

Proceedings of KDD 2012 Workshop on Crowdsourcing and Data Mining.

D. Pai, D. James
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