Publication date: January 25, 2012
POPL 2012 - ACM SIGNAT-SIGPLAN Symposium on Principles of Programming Languages , Jan 25-27, 2012
A. Chaudhuri, B. Hosmer, A. Rastogi
Publication date: January 14, 2012
In Proceedings of IEEE International Conference on Emerging Signal Processing Applications (ESPA), Jan 2012, Las Vegas, NV
Publication date: January 12, 2012
ESPA 2012 - IEEE International Conference on Emerging Signal Processing Applications - Jan 12 -14, 2012
Publication date: January 2, 2012
ACM Transactions on Graphics (TOG), 31(1), 2012
H. Li, L. Luo, D. Vlasic, P. Peers, Jovan Popović, M. Pauly, S. Rusinkiewicz
Publication date: December 11, 2011
5th International Workshop on Domain Driven Data Mining (DDDM) at the International Conference on Data Mining (ICDM)
AI & Machine Learning
Publication date: December 1, 2011
ACM Transactions on Graphics (Proc. SIGGRAPH Asia 2011), 30(6), 128:1--128:8
J. Bernstein, A. Agarwala, B. Curless
Publication date: November 21, 2011
In Proc. International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV) 2011.
Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
Publication date: November 16, 2011
Proceedings of NIPS Workshop on Integrating Language and Vision
Niyati Chhaya, Tim Oates
AI & Machine Learning
Natural Language Processing
Publication date: November 11, 2011
International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV), Barcelona, Spain (oral presentation)
S. Cho, Jue Wang, S. Lee
Publication date: November 1, 2011
Communications of the ACM (CACM)
Research Highlight
Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
Publication date: October 12, 2011
CS-TR-4994, University of Maryland, College Park, MD
AI & Machine Learning
Publication date: October 10, 2011
International Conference on Computer Vision/Graphics Collaboration Techniques and applications, Mirage
Xue Bai, Jue Wang, David Simons
Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
Publication date: October 9, 2011
IEEE International Conference on Social Computing (SocialCom 2011)
K. Canini, B. Suh, P. Pirolli
Best Paper Award
Publication date: October 3, 2011
In Symposium on User Interface Software and Technology (UIST), 2011, 549-558.
Publication date: October 1, 2011
ACM Transactions on Graphics, 30(5)
Publication date: October 1, 2011
TOG 2011, ACM Transactions on Graphics, Volume 30 Issue 5
Adrian Secord, Jingwan (Cynthia) Lu, Adam Finkelstein, Manish Singh
Computer Vision, Imaging & Video
Graphics (2D & 3D)
Publication date: September 19, 2011
Artificial Intelligence in Education (AIED) 2011.
Georgios Theocharous, N. Butko, M. Philipose
Publication date: September 18, 2011
MLSP - IEEE International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing , September 2011
Publication date: September 15, 2011
PhD Thesis, University of Maryland, College Park
AI & Machine Learning
Publication date: September 1, 2011
In UBICOMP , Proc. International Conference on Ubiquitous Computing, 2011.
H. Du, P. Henry, X. Ren, M. Cheng, Dan Goldman, S. Seitz, D. Fox