San Jose, CA

The San Jose, California, lab is housed in Adobe’s corporate headquarters. These office towers are situated in the heart of Silicon Valley, near Caltrain’s Diridon station. The headquarters complex is known for its green design, recognized with a Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED) Platinum certification by the US Green Building Council. The San Jose office includes numerous collaborative and event spaces.

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Hailin Jin

Senior Principal Scientist

Zhixin Shu

Research Scientist

Kevin Smith

Senior Research Software Developer

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Fast Complementary Dynamics via Skinning Eigenmodes

Benchekroun, O., Zhang, J., Chaudhuri, S., Grinspun, E., Zhou, Y., Jacobson, A. (Aug. 6, 2023)

Transactions on Graphics (SIGGRAPH journal track)

The Shape Part Slot Machine: Contact-based Reasoning for Generating 3D Shapes from Parts

Wang, K., Guerrero, P., Kim, V., Chaudhuri, S., Sung, M., Ritchie, D. (Oct. 23, 2022)


Time-Equivariant Contrastive Video Representation Learning

Jenni, S., Jin, H. (Oct. 10, 2021)

International Conference on Computer Vision (ICCV)

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