Rubaiat Habib

Senior Research Scientist


Rubaiat’s research interest lies in the intersection of HCI (AR/VR, gestures, and sketching) & Graphics for creative thinking, design, art, and storytelling. His research in animation & dynamic drawings are turned into new products that reach to global audience (including Sketchbook Motion that was crowned as the Best iPad app of 2016 by Apple). As an attempt to communicate scientific ideas with storytelling and art, he has written his PhD thesis in the form of comics.

Prior to Adobe, he worked at Autodesk Research, Microsoft Research, and Japan Science & Technology Agency. He completed his PhD from National University of Singapore (2014) and BSc from Bangladesh University of Engineering & Tech (2007). Rubaiat received several awards for his work including two ACM CHI Best Paper Nominations, ACM CHI and ACM UIST Peoples’ choice best talk awards, ACM CHI Golden Mouse awards for best research videos, and Microsoft Research Asia PhD fellowship.

For more info, visit his personal homepage.


Elastica: Adaptive Live Augmented Presentations with Elastic Mappings Across Modalities

Cao, Y., Habib, R., Wei, L., Aneja, D., Xia, H. (May. 11, 2024)

CHI 2024

DrawTalking: Towards Building Interactive Worlds by Sketching and Speaking

Rosenberg, K., Habib, R., Wei, L., Xia, H., Perlin, K. (May. 11, 2024)

CHI 2024 late breaking work

Automated Conversion of Music Videos into Lyric Videos

Ma, J., Rao, A., Wei, L., Habib, R., Shin, H., Agrawala, M. (Oct. 29, 2023)

UIST 2023

PoseVEC: Authoring Adaptive Pose-aware Effects using Visual Programming and Demonstrations

Zhang, Y., Nguyen, C., Habib, R., Yu, L. (Oct. 10, 2023)


PoseCoach: A Customizable Analysis and Visualization System for Video-based Running Coaching

Liu, J., Saquib, N., Chen, Z., Habib, R., Wei, L., Fu, H., Tai, C. (Dec. 20, 2022)


A Layered Authoring Tool for Creating Stylized 3D Animations

Ma, J., Wei, L., Habib, R. (Apr. 30, 2022)

CHI 2022

StreamSketch: Exploring Multi-Modal Interactions in Creative Live Streams

Lu, Z., Habib, R., Wei, L., Dontcheva, M., Karahalios, K., Wei, L. (Oct. 23, 2021)

CSCW 2021

Rapido: Prototyping Interactive AR Experiences through Programming by Demonstration

Leiva, G., Grønbæk, J., Klokmose, C., Nguyen, C., Habib, R., Asente, P. (Oct. 10, 2021)

User Interface Software and Technology (UIST)

Beyond Show of Hands: Engaging Viewers via Expressive and Scalable Visual Communication in Live Streaming

Chung, J., Shin, H., Xia, H., Wei, L., Habib, R. (May. 8, 2021)

CHI 2021

Constructing Embodied Algebra by Sketching

Saquib, N., Habib, R., Wei, L., Mark, G., Roy, D., Wei, L. (May. 8, 2021)

CHI 2021

Autocomplete Animated Sculpting

Peng, M., Wei, L., Habib, R., Kim, V. (Oct. 20, 2020)

UIST 2020

RealitySketch: Embedding Responsive Graphics and Visualizations in AR through Dynamic Sketching

Suzuki, R., Habib, R., Wei, L., DiVerdi, S., Li, W., Leithinger, D. (Oct. 20, 2020)

Best Paper Honorable Mention

UIST 2020

Pronto: Rapid Augmented Reality Video Prototyping Using Sketches and Enaction

Leiva, G., Nguyen, C., Habib, R., Asente, P. (Apr. 25, 2020)

CHI '20: Proceedings of the 2020 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems

MagicalHands: Mid-Air Hand Gestures for Animating in VR

Arora, R., Habib, R., Kaufman, D., Li, W., Singh, K. (Oct. 20, 2019)

UIST 2019

Interactive Body-Driven Graphics for Augmented Video Performance

Saquib, N., Habib, R., Wei, L., Li, W. (May. 2, 2019)

CHI 2019
